Searching Text in Shape

You can search a shape containing a certain text from shapes on the drawing.

Searching Text in Shape

  1. Point [Search and Replace] on [Edit] menu, and click [Search Text].
    Search and Replace Window will be displayed.
  2. Input a search string in [Search string] box.
  3. Click [Search prev], [Search next], or [Search all].
    A shape containing the input string will be selected, and the message will be displayed on the status bar.
    Search prev
    Search the shape immediately before the previously searched shape.
    Search next
    Search the shape immediately after the previously searched shape.
    Search all
    Search all shapes in the search range.

Search range

[Search range]
Select [Current paper or part drawing] to search a shape on paper or part drawing currently displayed on Drawing Window, or in the drawing component edit screen.
Select [All papers and part drawings] to search shapes on all papers and part drawings in a file.

[Include Part Drawing Layout]
Turn it on to search shapes on part drawing layout when searching on paper.

Search objects

Turn it on to search text shapes.

Turn it on to search dimension values and added strings of dimension shapes.

Turn it on to search lead strings.

Turn it on to search balloon strings.

[Attribute Name]
Turn it on to search attribute names of shapes.

[Attribute Value]
Turn it on to search attribute values of shapes.

Turn it on to search while distinguishing upper/lower-case letters.

[Search for whole words only]
Turn it on to search only shapes having a string completely matching the input string.

[Distinguish half- and wide-width characters]
Turn it on to search while distinguishing 1-digit and 2-digit characters.

Hidden shapes are out of targets for searching.

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