Selecting/Canceling Shape

The following methods can be used to select/cancel shapes.

Selecting single shape

Align of the cursor to a shape to be selected, and click it.

Selecting multiple shapes

The behavior changes depending on the setting of [Shift+click shape to select multiple shapes] on the [Select Shape] page of the [Options] dialog box.
If the setting is on
While pressing Shift key on the keyboard, align of the cursor to shapes to be selected, and click them.
If the setting is off
Without pressing the key, align of the cursor to shapes to be selected, and click them.

Canceling the selection of shapes

While pressing Shift key on the keyboard, align of the cursor to shapes to be canceled, and click them.

Canceling all selected shapes

The behavior changes depending on the setting of [Shift+click shape to select multiple shapes] on the [Select Shape] page of the [Options] dialog box.
If the setting is on
Press Esc key on the keyboard, or click a point where no shapes are located.
If the setting is off
Press Esc key on the keyboard.

The number of shapes being selected is displayed on the status bar at the bottom of the screen.
When [Modify Mouse Pointer Shape If Cursor Is On Shape] check box on [Cursor] page on [Options] dialog box is turned on, the shape of the mouse pointer will be modified when it is moved on a shape.

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