[Print Settings] Dialog Box

On [Print Settings] dialog box, you can modify the following settings.


Set the paper size for printers.


Set the paper orientation for printers.
If you select [Auto], the orientation is set according to the vertical and horizontal size of the print area.


Set the scaling ratio for printing.

[Fit To Paper Size]: Prints out so that the print area is within the paper size set in [Size] box for paper.
[Fit To Printable Area]: Prints out so that the print area is within the printable area for the paper size set in [Size] box for paper.
[Specify Scale]: Prints out with a specified scale. Input a scale in the scale box.

[Scale Line Pitch and Width]
Turn it on to scale line pitches and widths according to the scale ratio when printing, or off to print in a fixed line pitch and width.


Set the position for printing.

[Center on paper when printed]: Prints in the center of a paper size set in [Size] box under [Paper].
[Specify Offset]: Input offset values along X and Y axes.

[Print Area]

Set the area for printing.

[Paper Area]: Prints the paper area of the drawing.
[Range of All Shapes]: Prints so that all shapes located on the drawing can be printed.
[Specified Area]: Specifies a print area. Click [Specify Area] and select a rectangle by specifying 2 points. The rectangle will be the print area.
[Display Area]: Prints the current screen area displayed in the drawing window.
[Specify Area] option for [Print Area] can be specified for each part drawing.
While [Print Settings] dialog box is displayed and a print area is being specified, the print area is displayed with a red frame.

[Color as black]
Turn it on to print shapes in black & white, or off to print them in original colors.

[Print Line Width]
Turn it on to print shapes using original line widths, or off to convert these widths to narrow ones.

[Print Point]
Turn it on to print points.

[Dot Size]
Set the size of No. 3 type points (dots) on the screen.

[Prefer layer and drawing visible]
Turn it on to print only layers and part drawings being displayed and for which [Print] is turned on. Turn it off to print only layers and part drawings for which [Print] is turned on.

Printing as an image sends the image to the printer instead of the graphic data. Check the [Print as Image] check box if transparent fill hatches, etc. are not printed correctly.
If the texts and lines print rough when printed as an image, increase the resolution value.
When printing as an image, the pattern hatches may be printed so finely that it cannot be seen.

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