Setting Attribute to Drawing Component Registered

You can set any string to drawing component created as an attribute.

  1. Click a drawing component to which an attribute is to be set in the List of Drawing Components Window
  2. Click on the toolbar on List of Drawing Components Window.
    [Drawing Component Attribute] dialog box will be displayed.
  3. Supplemental
    To input an attribute name or value, you can select it from attribute name or value candidates being used by shapes on the drawing.
    To delete an attribute already set, select an attribute to be deleted, and click [Delete].
    Select a string for an attribute name/value and click [Copy] to copy the selected string to the Windows Clipboard.
    Click [Copy All] to copy all attribute name/value strings to the Windows Clipboard with a tab delimiter.
    Turn on [Input attribute when drawing items are located.] to display [Drawing Component Attribute] dialog box when locating a drawing component, where you can edit attribute values. You cannot add or delete an attribute, or edit an attribute name.
  4. Click [Add].
    The attribute input space will be displayed in the Attribute List.
  5. Input any string to the input space for an attribute name/value.
  6. Supplemental
    To add more attributes, repeat Steps 3 and 4.
  7. Click [OK].
    The input string will be set as an attribute of the drawing component.
  8. Supplemental
    Selecting a drawing component to which an attribute is to be set, and clicking on [Attribute] box on Properties Window also displays [Drawing Component Attribute] dialog box.
    If you change attribute values, you are prompted to confirm that you want to change the attributes of the same drawing components used in the document.

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