Deleting Point from Point Array

Delete a point from a point array in a shape.
Shapes where a point can be deleted from a point array are lines, polylines, B-Splines, leads, and balloons.

  1. Point [Point Array] on [Edit] menu, and click [Delete Point Array].
    Then you will be able to delete the point from the point array.
  2. Supplemental
    You can enter into the point deleting status by clicking on [Edit] toolbar.
  3. Click a shape used where a point is to be deleted from a point array.

When specifying a point on the drawing

  1. Click a position where a point is to be deleted from a point array.
    The clicked point will be deleted from the point array.

When specifying the point array No.

  1. Input the number indicating the order in the point array in [Deleted Point] box on Command Window.
    The point at the specified number will be deleted from the point array.