Joining Shapes

Join specified two shapes.
Selectable shapes are lines, polylines, rays, arcs, and elliptical arcs.

  1. Click [Join] on [Edit] menu.
    Then you will be able to join shapes.
  2. Supplemental
    You can enter into the shape joining status by clicking on [Edit] toolbar.
  3. Click two shapes to be joined.
    The selected two shapes will be joined as one or two shapes.

Joining lines

A line can be joined with a line, polyline, or ray.
Joining two lines adjusts the intersections of these lines to make two lines.
Joining a line and polyline produces a single polyline.

When lines intersect each other, the joined line will be from the endpoint of the clicked line to the intersection.

Joining polylines

A polyline can be joined with a line and polyline.
Joining polylines produces a single polyline.

Joining arc or elliptical arc

They can be joined with an arc (elliptical arc) on the same circle (ellipse).
Joining arc or elliptical arc produces a single arc (circle) or elliptical arc (ellipse).
The endpoint nearer the clicked position in Shape 2 will be joined.