Opening AutoCAD Drawing File (DXF/DWG)

Opening AutoCAD Drawing File

  1. Click [Import] - [Import DXF/DWG File].
    [Open] dialog box will be displayed.
  2. Select an AutoCAD drawing file, and click [Open] button.
    The file will be loaded.

Settings for opening AutoCAD drawing file

  1. On [File] menu, click [Import/Export Options] - [DXF/DWG File Settings].
    [DXF/DWG File Settings] dialog box will be displayed.

    Select [Import] tab, make necessary settings, and click [OK] button.

Restrictions on opening AutoCAD drawing files

When opening an AutoCAD drawing file (DXF/DWG) on RootPro CAD, data in the file such as shape data and colors will be converted to those suited to RootPro CAD.

■ Model space and paper space

Shapes on the model space and paper space in AutoCAD drawing files (DXF/DWG) are converted to those on part drawing and paper, respectively.

X, Y, Z coordinate values

X and Y coordinate values are loaded.

■ Shape data to be converted

Shape data in AutoCAD shown in the following table are converted to those for shapes in RootPro CAD.

Shape data in AutoCAD Shape after conversion
POINT Point of type "·"
ELLIPSE Ellipse/Elliptical Arc
* Fonts not installed are converted to MS P Gothic.
* Texts are automatically adjusted to fit to DXF/DWG specifications as close as possible, such as the text height (with an option) and locate base point.
TRACE (bold line) Hatch of solid type
SOLID Hatch of solid type
BLOCK Registered as a drawing component
* The name and default value are converted to attribute definitions for the drawing component.
* Dynamic blocks changing shapes dynamically are not converted.
INSERT (composite shape) Located as a drawing component
* An option is available to load it after being exploded. For exploded shapes with the "Layer 0," the layer where the shapes are to be located is used.
* The name and values are converted to drawing component attributes. Attribute values to be displayed are converted to texts.
* If an externally referenced drawing file can be loaded, they will be converted to drawing components.
POLYLINE Line and arc
* If the width is set, an option is available to convert a line/arc to a hatch.
DIMENSION Converted to a dimension
* An option is available to load it after being exploded to lines, arcs and texts (using block data.)
* Coordinate dimensions are exploded to texts and polylines.
* Dynamic dimensions where shapes change dynamically are not converted.
TOLERANCE Converted to tolerance.
RAY Infinite line
3D surface Displayed edges are converted to lines.
MTEXT (multiple texts) Texts
* Fonts not installed are converted to MS P Gothic.
* Texts with a different format in a string are converted to exploded characters by format (An option is available not to explode to characters).
* Texts are automatically adjusted to fit to DXF/DWG specifications as close as possible, such as the text height (with an option) and locate base point.
* The background mask will be converted to the background color (not if you are using the drawing background color).
MLEADER (multiple leaders)
Exploded to texts, leaders without texts, lines, and B-Splines
* An option is available to load them after being exploded. (Converted using block data.)
* MLEADERs are loaded after being exploded.
MLINE (multiple lines) Exploded to lines and arcs.
LWPOLYLINE (Light weight polyline) Line and arc
* If the width is set, converted to a hatch.
HATCH Solid hatches or gradient hatches or those that can be converted to line hatch patterns are converted to user-defined hatches. Others are exploded to lines.
IMAGE BMP, TIFF (monochrome), JPEG, PNG, GIF
* Clipping borders are converted to hollow hatches (Type: Solid, Color: White, Transparency: 5%) to clarify the area.
* No images within the block are converted.
* Displayed orders correspond to those for layers in RootPro CAD.
VIEWPORT Converts a viewport looking vertically into the XY plane of model space to a part drawing layout.
*The frame on viewport is not converted. (The area is converted.)
*The status of each layer for each viewport is not converted.
*If the model space is tilted with respect to the XY plane, create a drawing layout that displays the part drawing transformed from model space within the viewport range. However, the tilt are not translated in that case, so the position and orientation will be different from what you see in AutoCAD.
REGION Explode and convert to general shapes.
WIPEOUT Converted to hatches (Type: Solid, Color: White, Transparency: 5%).
OLE OLE object
Proxy object If it can be exploded to lines, texts, arcs, hatches, etc., it will be converted after being exploded.

■ Group

When shape data for an AutoCAD drawing file (DXF/DWG) is grouped, shapes that can be included in a drawing group in RootPro CAD will be converted to drawing groups.

RootPro CAD does not support shapes that are not parallel to the XY plane in 3D space, but some shapes are reversed, exploded, or converted to continuous lines so that they look as similar as possible.

■ Color No. and name after conversion

The color Nos. and names for index colors in AutoCAD drawing files (DXF/DWG) are converted to the followings when they are opened in RootPro CAD.
* The color Nos. in True Colors (those with RGB settings) are converted to those for proximate colors.

Color No. in AutoCAD: Color name
(index color)
Color No. in RootPro CAD after conversion: Color name
BYLAYER Layer color
1: Red 2: Red
2: Yellow 5: Yellow
3: Green 3: Green
4: Cyan 7: Aqua
5: Blue 4: Blue
6: Magenta 6: Purple
7: White 8: White, or optionally 1: Black
250/251 -> 1: Black
8/252/253 16: Charcoal
9/254/255 15: Light gray
10 to 249 Color number increased by 7
BYBLOCK Corresponding color No.

■ Line type after conversion

Line types in AutoCAD drawing files (DXF/DWG) are converted to the followings when opened in RootPro CAD.

Line Type Name in AutoCAD Line type No. in RootPro CAD after conversion: Line type name
BYLAYER Layer line type
CONTINUOUS 1: Continuous
ACAD_ISO02W100 2: Dashed
ACAD_ISO03W100 3: Dashed spaced
ACAD_ISO04W100 4: Long dashed dotted
ACAD_ISO05W100 5: Long dashed double-dotted
ACAD_ISO06W100 6: Long dashed triplicate-dotted
ACAD_ISO07W100 7: Dotted
ACAD_ISO08W100 8: Chain
ACAD_ISO09W100 9: Chain double-dashed
ACAD_ISO10W100 10: Dashed dotted
ACAD_ISO11W100 11: Double-dashed dotted
ACAD_ISO12W100 12: Dashed double-dotted
ACAD_ISO13W100 13: Double-dashed double-dotted
ACAD_ISO14W100 14: Dashed triplicate-dotted
ACAD_ISO15W100 15: Double dashed triplicate-dotted
BYBLOCK Corresponding line type
Line types with the pitch length at 8 or less and repeated lines and gaps The line types of the same names (Those with the pitch length at 0.05 or less are converted to 0.1d(d=0.5)).
Line types with the pitch length at over 8, or those containing texts or shapes 1: Continuous
Pitches of the global line type scale (LTSCALE) set in DXF/DWG are converted to the d value set in [Pitch Not Proportional With Line Width] in the line type table of RootPro CAD.

■ Line width after conversion

Line widths set in AutoCAD 2000 or after are converted to the nearest values among basic line widths in RootPro CAD.
Default line width is [3: 0.25mm], but a different width can be set on [DXF/DWG Import Settings] dialog box that is displayed when opening AutoCAD drawing files (DXF/DWG).

■ Arrow after conversion

Arrows in AutoCAD drawing files (DXF/DWG) are converted to the following arrows when opened in RootPro CAD. This applies to leader lines and dimension arrows that have been converted without explode.

AutoCAD arrow name RootPro CAD arrow number after conversion
Closed Filled 6:
Closed Blank 1:
Closed 11:
Dot 7:
Architectural tick 10:
Oblique 10:
Open 9:
Origin indicator 4:
Origin indicator 2 4:
Right Angle 9:(Tip angle 90 degrees)
Open 30 9:(Tip angle 30 degrees)
Dot small 7:
Dot blank 3:
Dot small blank 4:
Box 2:
Box filled 5:
Datum triangle 13:
Datum triangle filled 12:
Integral 8:
Others 9:
Closed Filled, Closed Blank, Closed, Open, Open 30 arrows are converted to 6, 1, 11, 9, and 9 of the pointed arrows in RootPro CAD, respectively, and the size indicates the direction of length.

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