[Hatch] Page on [Default Shape Settings] Dialog Box

On [Hatch] page on [Default Shape Settings] dialog box, you can modify the following settings.
The modified settings will be displayed on the preview screen located at the bottom left of the dialog box.

Hatch style

Set the hatch style.

[Fill]: Fills the hatch area with a color selected in [Color] box.
[Gradient]: Fills the hatch area with the pattern selected in the Gradient Pattern list. [Color and Position 1] / [Color and Position 2] box allows you to set the color of the gradient and the starting position of the gradient.
[Pattern]: Fills the hatch area with a pattern selected in [Pattern] box. The background color can be set in [Color] box, while the pattern color can be set in [Pattern Color] box.
[User Definition]: Fills the hatch area with a user-defined pattern.

Click it to display [User Defined Hatch Settings] dialog box, which enables to create an original hatch pattern.

[Color] / [Color and Position 1]
When [Hatch Style] is set to [Fill], set the color to fill.
When [Hatch Style] is set to [Pattern], set the background color.
When [Hatch Style] is set to [Gradient], set the gradient color1 and the gradient starting position. Enter the gradient position in the range of 0 to 100.

[Reverse black and white when the color is same as that of the background.]
When [Hatch Style] is set to [Fill], it sets whether the hatch color is reversed when the hatch and background is in the same color (black or white).

[Pattern Color] / [Color and Position 2]
Set the pattern color when [Hatch Style] is set to [Pattern].
Set the gradient color2 and the gradient starting position when [Hatch Style] is set to [Gradient]. Enter the gradient position in the range of 0 to 100.

Input a transparency value for the color set in [Color] and [Pattern Color] boxes from 0 to 100. The larger the value is, the higher the transparency is.

View Frame
Displays the frame in the hatch area when it is turned on.

[Frame Color]
Set the color of the frame displayed in the hatch area.

[Frame Line Type]
Set the line type of the frame displayed in the hatch area.

[Frame Line Width]
Set the line width of the frame displayed in the hatch area.

[Pattern] / [Gradient Pattern]
Set the pattern type when [Hatch Style] is set to [Pattern] or [User Definition].
Set the gradient pattern type when [Hatch Style] is set to [Gradient].


[Hatch Style]
Click and select a registered style to reflect the settings for the style.

Click it to register the set details as a style.

Click it to display [Style Settings] dialog box where you can edit the style.


[Load default hatch settings from template]
Default hatch settings for the template are loaded to the current settings.

[Load default hatch settings from other drawings]
Default hatch settings on other drawings currently opened are loaded to the current settings.

[Save default hatch settings to template]
Current default hatch settings are saved as default hatch settings for the template.

Styles displayed in [Hatch Style] list with an asterisk (*) are registered to the drawing template. Select a template style to copy the style to the drawing.

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