[PDF Security] Dialog Box

On [PDF Security] dialog box, you can modify the following settings. This dialog box is displayed when exporting a PDF file, if [Set Security Options] on [PDF File Settings - Export] dialog box is turned on.

[Set Open Password]
Turn it on to enable setting a password required for opening a PDF file.

[Open Password]
Input a password required for opening a PDF file. (Specify within 32 characters using 1-byte alphanumerics. Input characters will be displayed with an asterisk (*).)

[Set Owner Password]
Turn it on to enable setting a password to restrict print, modification, and copy of a PDF file.

[Owner Password]
Input a password. (Specify within 32 characters using 1-byte alphanumerics. It is necessary to use a password different from the one set in [Open Password]. Input characters will be displayed with an asterisk (*).)

[Permit Printing]
Turn it on to make a PDF file printable.

[Permit Editing]
Turn it on to make a PDF file editable.

[Permit Copying]
Turn it on to make a PDF file copiable.

When setting a password and selecting [OK] button, a password confirmation dialog box will be displayed. Input the same password again.

* When setting the security, the contents in the PDF file will be encrypted.

* If you forget a password, there is no method to restore it. Before protecting with a password, back up the original drawing.
* The security setting does not warrant the completely secured status. In some software that can open PDF files, this setting may become invalid.

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