Click or drag to resize

RootPro.RootProCAD.UI Namespace

RootPro.RootProCAD.UI Namespace
Public classCommandBar
Represents a command window.
Public classCustomDockingBar
It represents a user defined window.
Public classDockingBar
Represents a dockable tool window.
Public classDockingBarCollection
Represents a collection of docking windows.
Public classDockingBarEventArgs
Provides data for the DcokingBar events.
Public classDrawComponentBar
Represents a drawing part window.
Public classDrawComponentListItem
Represents a list item in the drawing part window.
Public classDrawingBar
Represents a partial diagram tree window.
Public classDrawingTreeNode
Represents a node in the subgraph tree window.
Public classDrawingView
Represents the paper or part view within the tab of the window.
Public classDrawingViewDrawTemporaryEventArgs
Provides data for the temporary draw event of DrawingView.
Public classDrawingViewMouseEventArgs
Provides data for the mouse event of DrawingView.
Public classLayerBar
Represents a layer tree window.
Public classLayerTreeNode
Represents a node in the layer tree window.
Public classLayerView
Represents the view of the layer list.
Public classPropertiesBar
Represents a properties window.
Public classScriptBar
Represents a script window.
Public classSearchBar
Represents a search and replace window.
Public classStatusBar
Represents the status bar.
Public classTabView
Represents the view in the tab of the window.
Public classTabViewCollection
Represents a collection of views in a window.
Public classTabViewEventArgs
Provides data for the TabViewActivated event of the Application.
Public classToolBar
Represents a toolbar.
Public classToolBarButtonItem
Represents a toolbar button.
Public classToolBarCollection
Represents a collection of toolbars.
Public classToolBarComboBoxItem
Represents a combo box displayed on the toolbar.
Public classToolBarItem
Represents one toolbar item.
Public classToolBarItemCollection
Represents a collection of toolbar items.
Public classToolBarSeparatorItem
Toolbar Represents a separator that groups items.
Public classViewControllerBar
Represents a view controller window.
Public classWindow
Represents a window.
Public classWindowCollection
Represents a collection of windows.
Public classWindowEventArgs
Provides data for the WindowActivated event of the Application.
Public delegateDockingBarEventHandler
Represents a method that handles the DockingBar event.
Public delegateDrawingViewDrawTemporaryEventHandler
Represents a method that handles temporary draw events of DrawingView.
Public delegateDrawingViewMouseEventHandler
Represents a method that handles mouse events of DrawingView.
Public delegateTabViewEventHandler
Represents a method that handles the TabViewActivated event of Application.
Public delegateWindowEventHandler
Represents a method that handles the WindowActivated event of Application.
Public enumerationComboBoxStyle
This represents the style of the combo box displayed on the toolbar.
Public enumerationTabViewType
Represents the type of view in a window tab.
Public enumerationToolBarItemDisplayStyle
Indicates how to display the image and text of the toolbar item.
Public enumerationToolBarItemType
Toolbar Indicates the type of item.
Public enumerationVisualStyle
Window color scheme