Click or drag to resize

DrawingView Class

Represents the paper or part view within the tab of the window.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  RootPro.RootProCAD.UI
Assembly:  RootPro.RootProCAD.Library (in RootPro.RootProCAD.Library.dll) Version: (
public abstract class DrawingView : TabView

The DrawingView type exposes the following members.

Protected methodDrawingView
Initializes a new instance of the DrawingView class
Public propertyClientRectangle
Gets the rectangle that represents the client area of the view.
Public propertyClientSize
Gets the height and width of the client area of the view.
Public propertyDocument
Get the document associated with the view.
(Inherited from TabView.)
Public propertyDrawing
Get the paper or part associated with the view.
Public propertyIsGestureStarted
Gets a value that indicates whether a mouse gesture has been started.
Public propertyIsInPlaceTextEditing
Gets a value that indicates whether the text is being edited in the text input window.
Public propertyIsMouseOver
Gets a value indicating which of the mouse pointer is located over the view.
Public propertyIsOleInPlaceActive
Gets a value that indicates whether the OLE item is being edited in-place.
Public propertyIsPanning
Gets a value that indicates whether the view is in pan mode.
Public propertyModifierKeys
Gets a value indicating which of the modifier keys (SHIFT, CTRL, and ALT) is in a pressed state.
Public propertyMouseButtons
Gets a value indicating which of the mouse buttons is in a pressed state.
Public propertyTabIndex
Gets or sets the index of the tab.
(Inherited from TabView.)
Public propertyTabViewType
Gets the view type in the tab.
(Inherited from TabView.)
Public propertyText
Get the tab text.
(Inherited from TabView.)
Public propertyViewBottomLeftPoint
Get the lower left coordinates of the currently displayed range in the world coordinate system.
Public propertyViewTopRightPoint
Get the upper right coordinate of the currently displayed range in the world coordinate system.
Public propertyWindowHandle
Get the window handle of the view.
(Inherited from TabView.)
Public propertyZoomScale
Get display scale of the view.
Public methodActivate
Activate the view.
(Inherited from TabView.)
Public methodBeginPanning
Start moving the view.
Public methodClose
Close the view.
(Inherited from TabView.)
Public methodEndPanning
Finish moving the view.
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodInvalidate
Invalidates the entire view.
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodOnDrawTemporary
Raise the DrawTemporary event.
Protected methodOnMouseDoubleClick
Raise the MouseDoubleClick event.
Protected methodOnMouseDown
Raise the MouseDown event.
Protected methodOnMouseLeave
Raise the MouseLeave event.
Protected methodOnMouseMove
Raise the MouseMove event.
Protected methodOnMouseUp
Raise the MouseUp event.
Protected methodOnMouseWheel
Raise the MouseWheel event.
Public methodPanView
Move the view.
Public methodPointToClient
Convert the coordinates from the screen coordinate system to the client coordinate system.
Public methodPointToScreen
Convert the coordinates from the client coordinate system to the screen coordinate system.
Public methodScrollTo
Scroll the view so that the specified point appears at the center of the view.
Public methodShowContextMenu
Display context menu.
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodTransformPointClientToWorld
Convert the coordinates from the client coordinate system to the world coordinate system.
Public methodTransformPointLocalToWorld
Convert the coordinates from the local coordinate system of the specified layout to the world coordinate system.
Public methodTransformPointScreenToWorld
Convert the coordinates from the screen coordinate system to the world coordinate system.
Public methodTransformPointsLocalToWorld
Convert multiple coordinates from the local coordinate system of the specified layout to the world coordinate system.
Public methodTransformPointsWorldToLocal
Convert multiple coordinates from the world coordinate system to the local coordinate system of the specified layout.
Public methodTransformPointWorldToClient
Convert the coordinates from the world coordinate system to the client coordinate system.
Public methodTransformPointWorldToLocal
Convert the coordinates from the world coordinate system to the local coordinate system of the specified layout.
Public methodTransformPointWorldToScreen
Convert the coordinates from the world coordinate system to the screen coordinate system.
Public methodTransformShapeLocalToWorld
Convert geometry from the local coordinate system of the specified layout to the world coordinate system.
Public methodTransformShapesLocalToWorld
Convert multiple geometries from the local coordinate system of the specified layout to the world coordinate system.
Public methodTransformShapesWorldToLocal
Convert multiple geometries from the world coordinate system to the local coordinate system of the specified layout.
Public methodTransformShapeWorldToLocal
Convert geometry from the world coordinate system to the local coordinate system of the specified layout.
Public methodUpdate
Redraw the entire view.
Public methodZoomAll
Zoom in or out the view so that all the shapes in the view are displayed.
Public methodZoomIn
Zoom in the view.
Public methodZoomIn(Point, Double)
Zoom in the view.
Public methodZoomOut
Zoom out the view.
Public methodZoomOut(Point, Double)
Zoom out the view.
Public methodZoomPaper
Zoom in or out the view so that all the shapes in the paper are displayed.
Public methodZoomSelection
Zoom in or out the view so that the selected shape is displayed.
Public methodZoomWindow
Enlarges or reduces the view so that it displays within the range of the specified two points.
Public eventDrawTemporary
Occurs when performing a temporary draw on the view.
Public eventMouseDoubleClick
Occurs when the drawing view is double clicked by the mouse.
Public eventMouseDown
Occurs when a mouse button is pressed in the drawing view.
Public eventMouseLeave
Occurs when the mouse pointer leaves the drawing view.
Public eventMouseMove
Occurs when the mouse pointer is moved over the drawing view.
Public eventMouseUp
Occurs when a mouse button is released in the drawing view.
Public eventMouseWheel
Occurs when the mouse wheel moves over the drawing view.
See Also