What's New in RootPro CAD 12
Recording macros
To automate repetitive tasks, various operations can now be recorded as macros and replayed. By reviewing the macro code, it is easier to understand how the API works.
Gradient hatch
Gradient hatch can now be created, with a choice of eight different gradient patterns and the ability to specify the position, angle, and transparency of the two colors.
Drawing and Editing
The mouse cursor is now adsorbed to the snapped coordinates when entering command coordinates.
Curves can be exploded into line segments and polylines.
UI Enhancements
The Layer Tree window can now display the recently used layers.
The color selection combo box now displays the recently used colors.
What's New in RootPro CAD 11
Window font settings
You can now change the display font for windows and menus. You can also adjust the font size and toolbar button icon size steplessly.
Drawing and Editing
Added background color, transparency to test shapes. You can now rotate shapes with the rotating tracker handle. You can now set the direction indicated by the size of the arrow and the angle of the tip.
Coefficients can now be specified in area and length measurement results. Changed to display the centroid coordinates of the measured area.
File, Printing
The data in the saved file has been compressed to reduce the file size.
Added a setting to print in the currently displayed screen range and automatically determine the paper orientation for printing.
What's New in RootPro CAD 10
Dark mode
A dark mode based on black has been added to the window color scheme.
Mouse gesture
You can now execute mouse gestures or display the ring menu by holding down the right mouse button and dragging.
Full screen display
Added full screen display mode. You can maximize the drawing area by hiding the toolbar and docking window and maximizing the display.
In-Place text editor
When entering text, the editing window can be displayed on the drawing screen and input directly.
RootPro CAD features
New UI can concentrate on drawing
Docking windows, view controllers, etc., UI pursuing ease of use is adopted.
Auxiliary functions for drawing
Auxiliary functions for drawing speedily, such as user origin/snap/grid/selection filter, are also substantial.
Supports various shape types
In addition to basic geometric shapes, components, groups, dimensions, balloons, leads and hatches are available.
Various editing command
In the original command window, easy input of abundant parameters. Rich editing features such as trim, line adjustment, fillet, chamfer, stretch, attribute.
Multiple papers can be created in one drawing
You can arrange the actual figures on paper with different scales. Since you can create multiple papers, you can print in various layouts.
Multi-level management of layers
It can bring multiple layers together to manage them as a layer group. It can also create a layer group in another layer group, making it enable to manage layers hierarchically.
You can paste OLE objects of other applications (Pro)
You can paste a table created in Excel onto a drawing, or paste a figure created in RootPro CAD into another application.
Export DXF/DWG/PDF Files (Pro), Import DXF/DWG Files
Supports import and export of model space and paper space (layout). It supports the AutoCAD file format and can be used as a converter and viewer for DXF/DWG files.
Add-ins/scripts to extend CAD functions (Pro)
With add-ins/scripts, you can create your commands and automate complicated processing. You can also add your toolbars and windows to RootPro CAD and customize UI.
Deveop Add-ins/Scripts with C#/VB (Pro)
Add-ins can be developed with VB, C#, using Microsoft Visual Studio. You can also run the script by directly entering C# code from the RootPro CAD script window. See API Reference.
Customize toolbars/menus/docking windows (Pro)
You can change the button display on the toolbar or menu bar, or assign shortcut keys to any command.
Frequent updates
RootPro CAD becomes better every few months. We will enhance the product as much as possible.

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Sample Drawing File
This is a sample drawing file created with the editing commands of RootPro CAD. Download Sample File